Artificial Intelligence course in Meerut
Artificial intelligence is the new talk of the market. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the big thing in the technology field and a large number of organizations are implementing AI and the demand for professionals in AI is growing at a vigorously. Artificial Intelligence course in Meerut with Digital Wheel will provide a wide understanding of the concepts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to make computer programs to solve problems and achieve goals in the new evolving world.
What is Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. The term may also be applied to any machine that exhibits traits associated with a human mind such as learning and problem-solving.
The major characteristic of artificial intelligence is its ability to rationalize and take actions that have the best chance of achieving a specific goal. A subset of artificial intelligence is machine learning, which refers to the concept that computer programs can automatically learn from and adapt to new data without being assisted by humans. Deep learning techniques enable this automatic learning through the absorption of huge amounts of unstructured data such as text, images, or video.
The basic grounding in the Digital Wheel practices in AI is likely to become valuable in the field of business, and profession. This course is intended to cover all the concepts of Artificial Intelligence from the basics to advanced implementation.
Our comprehensive artificial intelligence course in Meerut make sure that it meets the expectation of our students and they can perform finely.
Our curriculum for Artificial Course in Meerut
Module 1 – Introduction to Machine Learning
- Basic Concept
- Train, Test & Validation Distribution
- ML Strategy
- Computation Graph
- Evaluation Metric
- Human Level Performance
Module 2- Machine Learning
- Linear Regression
- Logistic Regression
- Gradient Descent
- Decision Tree
- Random Forest
- Bagging & Boosting
- K-Means
- Hierarchal Clustering
Module 3 – Python Programming
- Basic Programming
- NLP Libraries
- Open CV
Module 4 – Mathematics Foundation
Basic Statistics
- Sampling & Sampling Statistics
- Hypothesis Testing
- Derivatives
- Optimization
Linear Algebra
- Function
- Scalar-Vector-Matrix
- Vector Operation
- Space
- Probability
- Distribution
Module 5 – Intro to Neural Network & Deep Learning
- Intro
- Deep Learning Importance [Strength & Limitation]
- SP | MLP
Feed Forward & Backward Propagation
- Neural Network Overview
- Neural Network Representation
- Activation Function
- Loss Function
- Importance of Non-linear Activation Function
- Gradient Descent for Neural Network
Module 6 – Parameter & Hyperparameter
Practical Aspect
- Train, Test & Validation Set
- Vanishing & Exploding Gradient
- Dropout
- Regularization
- Bias Correction
- RMS Prop
- Adam, Ada, AdaBoost
- Learning Rate
- Tuning
- Softmax
Module 7 – Data Processing
- Scikit Learn
- Spacy & Gensim
- OpenCV
- Tensorflow
- Keras
Text Processing
- Representation
- Data Cleaning
- Data Preprocessing
- Similarity
Image Processing
- Image
- Image Transformation
- Filters
- Noise Removal
- Correlation & Convolution
- Edge Detection
- Non Maximum Suppression & Hysterisis
- Fourier Domain
- Video Processing
Speech Data Analytics
Feature Extraction
- Image Feature
- Descriptors
Object Detection
- Detection & Classification
Module – 8 CNN
- Computer Vision
- Padding
- Convolution
- Pooling
- Why Convolution
Deep Convolution Model
- Case Studies
- Classic Networks
- Inception
- Open Source Implementation
- Transfer Learning
Detection Algorithm
- Object Localization
- Landmark Detection
- Object Detection
- Bounding Box Prediction
- Yolo
Face Recognition
- What is Face Recognition
- One Shot Learning
- Siamese Network
- Triplet Loss
- Face Verification
- Neural Style Transfer
- Deep Conv Net Learning
Module 9 – RNN
- Why Sequence Model
- RNN Model
- Backpropogation through time
- Different Type of RNNs
- Biderectional LSTM
- Deep RNN
- Word Embedding
- Debiasing
- Negative Sampling
- Elmo & Bert
- Beam Search
- Attention Model
Module 10 – Generative Adversial Network
- Autoencoders & Decoders
- Adversial Network
- Active Learning
Module 11 – Reinforcement Learning
- Q Learning
- Exploration & Exploitation
Introduction to Machine Learning
- Business Case evaluation
- Data requirements and collection
- Evaluation metrics
Machine Learning
- Profit of 50_startups data prediction
- Extra marital affair prediction
- Fraud data analytics
- Fabric sales analysis
- Classification of animals data
- Crime data analysis using clustering method and airlines data to obtain optimum number of clusters.
Python Programming
- Resource Information Analysis
- Text Cleaning of Customer reviews using NLP
- Image Manipulation (Loading, Rotation etc.)
Mathematics Foundation
- Sampling & Sampling Statistics
- Hypothesis Testing
- Calculus Problems
- Linear Algebra Problems
- Probability Problems
Intro to Neural Network & Deep Learning
Parameter & Hyperparameter
- Risk Evaluation
- Prediction of claim amount
- Emotor temp prediction
- User Behavioural Pattern
(2 ANN assignments+ 2 Parameter and hyperparameters)
Data Processing
- User review data load and familiarity with data and environment
- E commerce Product Similarity
- Sentiment classification of movie reviews
- Emotion Mining of user reviews”
- Vehicle edge detection
- Cleaning of hand-written digits data
- Image data Augmentation
- Facial feature detection
- Image data wrangling for classification
- Video Analysis of a short film
- Speech data Analysis w.r.t emotion
- Ecommerce product image classification
- Disease prediction based on images
(2 CNN algorithms)
- Vehicle identification(Object Detection)
- Animal Classification(Object Classification)
- Spatial Image classification (Image segmentation)
- Face detection
- Face recognition (Attendance using facial recognition)
- Next word prediction (Vanilla RNN)
- Twitter data analysis using Named Entity Recognition(NER)
- Retail data – Word2vec
- NER and Forecasting of Oil price prediction
- Auto text composer (NER language model)
- Auto text composer (NER language model)
- Q and A Chatbot
- Real life voice Recognition
- Machine Translation
- New Image generation based on existing images
Reinforcement Learning
- Game Intelligence
Module 13- Projects
1.Chatbot project
- Build end to end chatbot right from data storage schema to final output for a domain
2.Emotion Analytics
- Identifying and analyzing the full spectrum of human emotions including mood, attitude and emotional personality.
3.Object Detection
- Detection of objects in images
4.Face detection from CC camera feed
- Analysis of video feed from CC cameras
Why to choose Digital Wheel | Artificial Intelligence course in Meerut
Our artificial intelligence course in Meerut introduces you to the concepts from basic to advance. This Artificial Intelligence Course in Meerut helps you in understanding Neural Network Architectures, Supervised and Unsupervised Learning, Decision Tree Learning, and Structuring of Algorithms for new AI machines along with learning to minimize errors through advanced optimization techniques.
Students will also gain an understanding of the current scope, limitations, and societal implications of artificial intelligence globally. They will investigate the various AI structures and techniques used for problem-solving, inference, perception, knowledge representation, and learning.
This Artificial Intelligence course in Meerut will also equip them to design AI functions and components for computer games and analyze the algorithms and techniques used for searching, reasoning, machine learning, and language processing.
Q1. Which is the best artificial intelligence course in Meerut?
Ans. We offer the best artificial course in Meerut. Our course provides a challenging avenue for exploring the basic principles, techniques, strengths, and limitations of the various applications of Artificial Intelligence.
Q2. How is this course structured?
Ans. This artificial intelligence course in Meerut follows a blended learning approach with an intelligent mix of classroom sessions and live project experience. We encourage practical learning for better understanding of facts.
Q3. Do you provide certification?
Ans. Yes we provide certification after the completion of this course.
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